The world’s most stylish men share their favorite styles for fall, discover new menswear trends, and more here.

guys you know how much i love shoes you’ve seen some of my favorite shoes my collection it’s all over tick tock all right no matter where you’re stepping into next i got you covered because today i’m gonna give you guys the five types of shoes that every man needs in his closet if you have these five types of shoes in your closet then you are good my friend you’re ready for any occasion i’m talking about high-end events going to the grocery store playing sports all of that you’re gonna be covered so let’s get started and by the way if you like today’s video if you enjoy the atmosphere here we talk about men’s fashion.

grooming fitness dating advice and so much more we have close subscribers and i would love to have you here so join the family the number one shoe that every man needs to have in his closet if you guys are longtime subscribers you know this one all white leather sneakers man if you’ve been a part of the family here then you know i’ve said this a few times before every man needs a pair of white sneakers white sneakers just work with literally everything that you have in your closet it is insane how versatile and how much you’re going to use and wear these white sneakers now you can wear them to the beach wearing swim trunks you can wear them with a suit if you’re trying to look cool and different and not be too stuffy you can wear them to go get groceries it’s literally endless the options ar endless when it comes to white sneakers they are so versatile if you buy clean white sneakers right now and by clean
i mean just the design no logos no stripes or anything like that you can literally bust them out 10 years from today and they’ll still look good if you keep them clean of course because they’re classics they’re never going away it’s not a trend it’s just here to stay they look great and there’s so many affordable options that work for different occasions you can spend 50 bucks on my sneakers you can spend eight hundred

dollars on like scent or on uh white sneakers it’s basically the same thing they all do the same job so i’m gonna leave a list below of all of the shoes that i mentioned in this video so you guys can go do some shopping if you like them number two every man needs nice dress shoes i don’t understand the guys that rent dress shoes to go somewhere are you kidding me you’re gonna spend all that money renting shoes so that you can wear it once and then maybe wear once again the next month and have to pay again no no no no i’m going to tell you exactly what you need to do you need one pair of nice dress shoes that are
black that will match basically all of the outfits that you have in your closet and if you want a second pair go for brown and dark brown nice chocolate dark brow perfect with those two you’re gonna be
able to wear any types of suits any colors any formal outfits that you have my advice to you is make sure they’re clean or you can go for like double monks if you really want to change it up just make sure they’re comfortable because if they’re uncomfortable and you’re standing up in a wedding or whatever it is that you wear any type of event right you’re standing up for hours sometimes walk around in them break them in because if they’re uncomfortable that’s gonna hurt because they tend to be a little bit on the stiff side so make sure to break them in before you wear them the first time i like to move mine around with my hands or sometimes i put a shoe tree in there to keep the shape just break them in before you wear
them next up the type of shoes that i wear the most because i don’t really go anywhere right now because things are closed gym sneakers i work out every single morning no matter if i do it at home or if i go outside to do it i wear my training or running sneakers right and being active every day is key to livinga healthier lifestyle especially nowadays you need to make sure that you’re living a healthy lifestyle there’s a lot happening outside right now so make sure that you’re healthy now whether you’re a gym guy or an athlete or maybe you just like running or jogging lightly outside myrecommendation would be make sure that you’re buying the right type of sneakers for the activity that you like to do the activity that you’re doing the most so if you’re going to the gym and you’re lifting heavy you want a flat bottom a flat sole so that you can have all the support you need to lift the heavy weights at the gym if you’re going running you need something that is extra light extra comfortable extra bouncy if you do a lot of high intensity training then you need something that’s a little bit of a hybrid it needs to give you the
support that you need but it also needs to be light and flexible you play a lot of basketball you need something that’s probably going to give you more support basketball sneak so one of the few good things about this pandemic and what’s happening outside now is there are a lot of sales online right now i’ve been on and man there are some insane sales you can get really nice sneakers for less than 75 bucks on those websites from those amazing brands so i’m gonna leave a few options for you guys listed in the description below i’m telling you guys you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on these sneakers you know nike adidas puma they make sneakers that are a hundred bucks and they’re mostly on sale right now plus you know that if you look good it kind of motivates you to go to get outside to get exercising you know i know that if i have a new uh workout outfit or new sneakers i’m like all right i’m gonna work out today i’m gonna wear them i look good i feel good it motivates you it gets you going number four your daily sneakers look i used to wear my training sneakers all the time like running sneakers with jeans when i was in my early 20s it was not a good look and i really hope that you guys aren’t doing the same training sneakers workout sneakers are for working out they do not look good even with a casual basic outfit you have the white sneakers for that but besides the white sneakers you should also have your dailies or your your beaters you know i’m talking about you nike that’s an amazing brand and most people own those sneakers no matt actually even girls own vans and converses these are the sneakers that if you’re wearing watching i’ll see you again .